Heat Pump Vs Furnace: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to heat your house or office during cold winter weather, most homeowners have a choice between heat pump or a furnace. They both do the same functionality i.e protects you from the cold winter climate by heating the surroundings of your house or office. Although, goal of both are same, but they do so in different ways. Furnaces generate heat by using burning oil or natural gas while on the other hand heat pumps uses electricity to do the same. If you’re having confusion regarding whether to go for a furnace or a heat pump to heat your home this winter, then to clear all of your doubts, given below is the list of the facts that you should definitely consider when making your final decision.


What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is a device which works on the principle of using electricity to pull air from the outside and transfer heat into your house areas. It usually acts as a reverse air conditioning unit and, doubles as an air conditioner when in cooling mode.

Heat pump benefits

As heat pumps uses electricity to transfer heat, so they’re very energy efficient and are normally easy to install and operate quietly without causing any issues. Another main benefit of having Heat Pump is that your heat pump can also work as an air conditioner during summer season, making this a more adaptable product as compared to a furnace. In addition, Heat Pumps don’t produce Carbon Monoxide (CO) which prevents you from the CO leakages and numerous respiratory problems.

Heat pump concerns

Normally, heat pumps generate less heat as compare to furnaces, and may not be suitable as per your requirement that how warm you wish to keep your house during extremely cold weather. Also, heat pumps aren’t as efficient if temperatures get dropped below freezing point, it’s because heat pumps use air from the outside and in extremely cold weather your heat pump will struggle to produce warm air as per your comfort.

Why should you choose a heat pump?

Your location plays important role in choosing between heat pump vs. furnace. If you’re living in the region of mild winters then heat pump will be the perfect choice to heat your house this winter. South-Eastern climates are the perfect match for heat pump use. Hence, if you live in a location that doesn’t see long, cold winters, a heat pump is normally a good option and also to replace your existing air conditioner, since heat pumps can perform as both.

Heat Pump Installation Orange
Heat Pump Installation San Bernardino
Heat Pump Installation Riverside
Heat Pump Installation Los Angeles


 What is a furnace?

A furnace is a heating device that produce warm air and then distribute it throughout your house by burning fuel. As furnaces use fuel to generate heat so they produce much warmer air as compared to heat pumps. Generally, there are four main components of a furnace: burner, heat exchanger, a blower and a flue. Furnaces functions on natural gas or oil.

Furnace benefits

Normally, furnaces are inexpensive as compared to heat pumps and HVAC, but the price can vary depending on the factors: unit size and features. Heat pumps are more energy efficient, While, furnace have less moving components, which prevents you from more heating repair and less  maintenance is involved compared to heat pumps.

Furnace concerns

Heat produced by a furnace could easily dry out the air in your entire house or office, which can cause several skin and other health problems. Also, modern furnaces are much more energy efficient compared to few years ago. The main difference that you will find in Heat Pump Vs Furnace is that, Houses with a furnace also require a different unit for air conditioning, while heat pumps can perform as both.

Why should you choose a furnace?

The climate of your region plays an important role when choosing between a heat pump vs. furnace. If your region experiences heavy snow-fall throughout the cold winter season, then a furnace is the best choice as furnaces don’t depend on outside air to generate heat. They generate much warmer air for homes or offices located in cold climates compared to heat pumps

Furnace Installation Riverside
Furnace Installation in Los Angeles
Furnace Installation San Bernardino
Furnace Installation Orange County


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