10 Silent Signs Your Furnace is Failing

If your furnace is showing signs that it’s struggling to keep pace with maintaining an enjoyable temperature, then you should keep a close eye on it. It’s best to be prepared, whether it’s your furnace or any other heating unit. It is very important to give attention to your furnace before an emergency. Here, we have listed some of the points that will help you to know that your furnace is failing 

  1. Burner Flame Color
    It’s important to keep an eye on the pilot light in your furnace. If you’re seeing a blue flame in your furnace then it’s indication sign that the gases inside your furnace are in perfect condition. If the pilot light inside your furnace ever turns to yellow, then  it’s a confirmation that the gases inside your furnace are not properly balanced and harmful carbon monoxide is leaking in your house area. Change in color can be lead to serious injury. Hence, it is advised to install a carbon monoxide detector to manage your home’s carbon monoxide level by testing it regularly.

  2.  Increased in Utility Bills
    As a homeowner, if you notice that your electricity bills are increasing then it’s may be due to that your furnace is suffering. The increase in electricity bill is due to when a furnace is broken or works inefficiently then it requires more electricity to work.  In this situation, you should check furnace filter, as a dirty filter can directly reduce your furnace airflow.

  3.  Moisture Buildup
    If you notice that the ceilings, walls and windows of your house or office are containing moisture, it could be a sign of that there isn’t proper airflow through your house or office area. The moist air in your house or office specify that there could be a difficulty in the vents or in the furnace itself.

  4.  Start-Up Problems
    The start-up problem in your furnace is a confirmation sign that your furnace needs proper repair or replacement. When you switch on your furnace, it should stay on without causing any type of issues. The main cause of start-up issue in your furnace can also be a faulty wiring to a fan motor. When you tackle with this type of issue then you must call a professional technician so that he can check it thoroughly. HVAC Systems Los Angeles

  5.  Old Age
    The average lifetime of a furnace is about 10-15 years. If your furnace is old enough, then it’s the right time to install a new furnace unit in your house or in your office. Installing a new furnace unit will be more energy efficient and it will also prevent you from the high utility bills. Roofing Contractors San Antonio

  6.  Strange Noises
    If your furnace is more than 5 or 6 years old then it may not be completely silent as in comparison to the latest furnace units. A small vibration of machine is nothing to be concerned about, but if you notice that it starts to make louder sounds, you must call a professional technician. If you have already spend money on this type of issue, then it is the right time to install a new furnace unit.

  7.  Strange Smells
    When it’s the first time that you are turning on your furnace for a season, it’s normal to smell a faint hint of gas or oil. It may be due to that your furnace is warming up for the first time in season, but if you are continuously facing this type of smell from your furnace after using it several days, you should call a professional technician immediately. The reason for continuous smell of oil or gas is due to the leakage in gas or oil inside your furnace.

  8.  Respiratory Problems
    An old furnace that isn’t working perfectly can cause dust particles to flow inside your house or office. This can cause you illness and various respiratory problems like asthma. The air quality must be very important for your family members to stay fit. To prevent your family from this type of problem you must hire a labor so that he can fix all the holes and leakages in your house.

    HVAC Installation in California
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    Heating Services in Riverside
    Roof Repair in San Antonio
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    Home Remodeling in San Antonio
    Roofing Company Converse

  9.  Hot and Cold Spots
    If your notice that some spots of your house are drafty and some spots are colder than others, it means that your furnace is unable to heat your house entirely. It’s a confirmation signal of loosing heat from somewhere in your house. Getting your furnace repair will provide greater efficiency while on operating mode and will heat your entire home.  

  10.  Thermostat Problems
    If your are constantly adjusting the temperature of thermostat to reach your desired temperature. It’s possibility that you might have a problem in your furnace or there a leakage in your ducts or that your thermostat may be broken. Calling a technician will locate and fix this type of issue. 

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